**Note to readers** All of these bios were written by the characters they were based off of. Also on a seperate note 90% of the clubs are false...wanted, but false. :-)**

Name: Divinity (Wagner-to-be)
Favorite Subject: Art
Least Favorite Subject: Algebra
Clubs: Student Council-Secretary (Freshman-Senior); The Anime Otakus; BAMF me on!- The Comic Book Lovers Club(president); Disney-4-Us (Treasurer); Play it Hard- Gamers Club (Secretary); National Honors Art Society; Art Club.
Hobbies: Gaming, internet surfing, drawing, obssessing, fashion design, obsessing, reading (books, webcomics, and comic books *including Manga*) and obsessing.
Sports: does speed drawing count???
Personal Description: Divinity is your average... okay not average, but...well. Divinity is Divinity, she falls in love with fictional characters such as Nightcrawler (being her top choice) and Hellboy. She loves reading Marvel and DC and playing RPGs, Action-Adventure and Dancing games.

Name: Mistalina (Misty) Yui
Favorite Subject: Potions! ...er Art.
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Clubs: The Anime Otakus; BAMF me on!- The Comic Book Lovers Club (Vice President); Play it Hard- Gamers Club; D&D Troops- The Dungeons and Dragons guild (President)
Hobbies: Video Games, Drawing, Reading
Sports: Soccer
Personal Description: Just your typical anime, video game, and star wars loving lightsaber weilding, gothic nerdy person...with a glowing squirrel sidekick!

Name: Marie (Ru) Reuben (Goes by last name)
Favorite Subject: Literature (sometimes science) and any kind of P.E.
Least Favorite Subject: Math (of any kind)
Clubs: Yearbook, NHS (National Honors Society), First Priority (Christian), Cowboy Fetish Society, The Dragon Collectors Club (President), & The "I Love Popcorn" Guild (Vice president), Disney-4-Us
Hobbies: Writing stories, reading, collecting dragons, studying the weather, photography
Sports: Soccer, karate, bowling, go-kart racing
Personal Description: Your typical athlete, almost. She enjoys playing soccer or going to karate (she is a second degree black belt). She writes stories on the side. Animal lover and loved by animals minus a certain cat and overly loved by one certain chipmunk. Loves Riku and Gambit and wields a blacklight keyblade. *Beware of Locker Monsters*

Name: Lucky Weasley
Favorite Subject (s ^^): Shakespearean Literature, Lunch
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Clubs: The Anime Otakus; BAMF me on!- The Comic Book Lovers Club, GSA (Gay Straight Alliance), The Mad Scientists of Today, DDRers Unite!, The Yaoians (president), The Baby-sitters Club For Odd People, Jail Bait Guild, ZENDIK ARTS, Voice Actors of Tomorrow
Hobbies: Writing, singing, trying to stay alive (Darwinism is not my friend), dying my hair
Sports: Hockey (yes, I can actually play hockey: street, ice, and air ^^)
Personal Description: Lucky is aptly named, since ironiclly she is very unlucky. A new hair color every week and a extreme fear of chainsaws, Lucky fits into no certian catagory. She has obbsessions with books, babys, gay men, and playing dress up with Gothic-y and Cyber-y clothes. also, Lucky has recent aquired a job at a store that is as strange and perverted as she is...Spencer Gifts.